Category: Beginners Guide
Archives for Category: Beginners Guide
How To Make A Landing Page In WordPress For Free With Elementor (2021)
Are you looking for a way to grow your email list and generate more subscribers?
JPG vs JPEG File Formats: Is There a Difference?
Whether you’re designing a new blog-post, or searching for free stock images for your website, you’ve probably noticed that there’s more than one file format type available.
How & Why to Update PHP in WordPress
If I told you that your website could run faster than it ever has before while also being more secure, what would you say?
How to Choose the Best WordPress Hosting For Your New Website
Deciding on the best WordPress hosting solution for your new website isn’t always easy. But once you know what to look for, it’s a piece of cake.
How to Make a Dropdown Menu in WordPress (the Easy Way)
Learning how to make a dropdown menu in WordPress is one of the best ways to increase site engagement and improve the user experience.
5 Easy WooCommerce Lead Generation Tips to Live by
Convincing people to purchase from your WooCommerce shop takes more than just high-quality products and great prices.
5 Compelling Reasons Why You Should Use WordPress
When WordPress first arrived on the digital landscape in 2003, it was a basic blogging platform. Since then it has grown to become the most popular content management system in the market.
SEO Link Building: Everything You Need to Know
Are you investing in SEO link building? If not, then you could be missing out on valuable traffic and credibility for your blog or website.
How WordPress Gets Hacked and What to Do About It
Something is wrong. You’ve tried dozens of times to log into your WordPress blog, but nothing is happening.
6 Most Effective Ways to Build an Email List (With Examples)
Email marketing is still the best way to nurture valuable relationships with your audience.